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According to the Zoroastrian scriptures, when Saoshyant, the Earth’s Final Savior, beings renovating the planet, an ultimate spiritual battle will take place between good and evil, or more specifically, between Saoshyant and Ahriman. In the Holy Avesta, it is foretold that powerful Heavenly Beings led by Saoshyant would triumph over Ahriman and his subordinate demons. But not without risk. “…the Druj (one of Ahriman’s strongest demons) shall perish, though she may rush on every side to kill the holy beings; she and her hundredfold brood shall perish, as it is the will of the Lord….” “I told the maya I’m going to destroy him. And that’s what I will do. I will not tolerate any longer, to let him run around making excuse and torturing people and animals and whatever he does. That entity or that power. Nobody ever did that before. Even if I die, I will do it.”