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The Animal Protection Law says animal-people must be provided sufficient food and water and their living space, among other requirements, must be clean, safe, ventilated, and at an appropriate temperature so the animal-person is not harassed, mistreated or injured. Veterinary treatment is mandatory if the animal-individual is hurt or sick. Animal-folk fighting is banned.Taiwan, or Formosa, further enhanced the Animal Protection Law in October 2017 adding new provisions outlawing the slaughter of dog- and cat-people along with dog- and cat-person meat trade prohibitions.Those who eat or sell dog- or cat-folk meat are fined up to NT$250,000 (US$8,400), and those who kill or torture animal-individuals are sentenced up to two years in jail and fined NT$200,000 – NT$2 million (US$6,700 – US$67,000).Obey the law of your country > No more animal-people slaughterhouses, no more hurting/ no more murdering them to eat, to lab test or 4 any reason at all >> Be vegan, make peace. So be it.