
야생 동물의 순수한 사랑 2부 중 1부 2018년 11월2일

내용 요약
We do it for humans, for others, for the planet, for other fellow beings, and also for the animals. I love animals so much. I love them so much. Sometimes, I feel like I love them more than humans. It’s not fair but it’s the way it is. Just like that, it’s so easy to love them, so easy, because they are just so pure, and we just have to do anything we can to help them, OK? To help them, also to help humans. Because even if animals are...whatever happens to them, they die once and then go to Heaven. It’s just the consequences are bad for humans. That’s all. And we have to do everything we can to help both. To help them to understand that compassion is the best way to live their lives.
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