
Il vegetarismo nelle religioni

Divieto di mangiare carne animale


Question: “What will be the food of the future?”
Answer: “Fruit and grains. The time will come when meat will no longer be eaten. Medical science is only in its infancy, yet it has shown that OUR NATURAL DIET IS THAT WHICH GROWS OUT OF THE GROUND. The people will gradually develop up to the condition of this natural food.”
~ ’Abdu’l-Baha, The Days in the Light of ‘Akka
Question: “What will be the food of the united people?”
Answer: “As humanity progresses, meat will be used less and less, for the teeth of man are not carnivorous… The human teeth, the molars, are formed to grind grain. The front teeth, the incisors, are for fruits, etc. It is, therefore, quite apparent according to the implements for eating that man’s food is intended to be grain and not meat. When mankind is more fully developed, the eating of meat will gradually cease.”
~ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace
“Regarding the eating of animal flesh and abstinence therefrom, know thou of a certainty that, in the beginning of creation, God determined the food of every living being, and to eat contrary to that determination is not approved.”
~ Selections from the Bahá’í Writings on Some Aspects of Health and Healing

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“You see, eating animal flesh, meaning we are decreasing our love in our being, from our structure, holy structure. We are born from God, we were holy, we were true humans, we were true children of God. But if we eat the animals, then the mixing of blood type and genetic code between human and animals makes us lose our status as the crown of creation, as true humans. As pure humans, the children of God, we are under direct connection with the Light, with the mighty Master power of the commanding center of the universe. We have absolute command over all under Heaven, because we were pure, and we’re children of God. But as we keep putting different elements into our beings, even physically, it will affect our spiritual structure as well. Because we became mix-ling, mixing structure, not pure, we became hybrid, vulnerable to attack from the dark force, because we are not pure anymore. Thus, this kind of mix-ling creature could be annihilated, because this mix-ling creature sends very confusing energy, confusing message into the center of the universe. It’s not recognized as pure human. So we could be eliminated, out of the physical realm, to be recycled, to be screened out for pureness again and to be reused. But this process can be very painful and torturous, over long periods, could be hundreds of thousands of Earth years.”


“Everybody knows that vegetarian (vegan) diet is good for health and to save the planet. They will be awakening their own great, compassionate, loving self-nature. And then their level of consciousness will rise up automatically. And they will understand more than they ever did. And they will be closer to Heaven than what they are right now.”