
افزایش سرعت در روند بهبود و تکامل سیاره مان، بوسیله قدرتهای دیواینیتی 'دیز' (DiZ) -‏ قسمت ۴ از ۵

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And if you do Quan Yin it also heals you like 70%. I don’t know about you; me, okay? (Yes, Master.) Because the Light it heals you less. It’s funny. Maybe that’s why in the Bible it says, in the beginning was the Sound, the Word, it means the vibration but for lack of vocabulary at that time, they said the Word. And the Word, maybe is bad translation.

Means the Sound of the melody, the music, the vibration, the energy. The Sound, but it makes into Sound, you see. That’s why we can hear it. But with heavenly ears, the inner ear not the outer ear. You know already, right? (Yes.) Our Method after initiation you can hear the Inner Teaching of God, manifested into melodious kind of music. That’s why it says, in the beginning was the Sound, and the Sound was with God, and the Sound was God. You see that? (Yes, Master.) “Was God.” Yeah? (Yes.) Not just from God. Not just with God. But the Sound “was God.” You see that? (Yes.) Okay. That was I guess when they mentioned the Big Bang. And everything that was created, was created by this Sound. Remember the Bible mentioned that? (Yes, Master.) Okay. That is like that. That is like that.

That’s why the Sound is so powerful. And it doesn’t heal you 100% but 70% - for me, for me. I’m not sure if for you guys the same. But at least it will heal. (Yes, yes.) If you have enough time and you do it on time, before it gets too bad. Or if it’s your time to go, to Heaven, then you can’t heal yourself from death. Time to go, I mean, when it’s time to go. I already think, “Ah my God, I would already like to go.” I’m telling you honestly. Some day when it’s too much trouble, and too much and I look at my body and all the turmoil and things, “oh my God, time to go.” No? But I probably have to be patient and have to do a little more work. Okay, yeah? (Yes, Master.) So the Sound is more powerful than the Light even.

So that’s something new, about something I could heal myself. Yeah? (Yes, Master.) I have a self healing power, of course, but I can’t always use it. Because I will be punished by the Maya. If I can do everything according to my position then it would be too good. You understand what I’m saying, yeah? (Yes, Master.) And I will empty this world, and Maya is afraid of that because they want to control the souls here. You see? (Yes, Master.) They control the souls. If all the souls are free and empty the world, then what would he become? Nobody. Zero. And he’s very attached to his own so-called subjects.

Alright. That is every time you do two hours Quan Yin you can get healed about 70%. For me. For ordinary disciples maybe more or less depends on their spiritual level and power of concentration and sincerity as well, and faith. (Yes, Master.) Not all of them will get 70 more or less percent. I got 73% for Quan Yin. (Wow.) Yeah. And Quan Quang is very less, very minimal like 8%. (Wow.) But the Gods’ names will heal for me about 63% and the other that I don’t want to mention to you, it’s similar, about 70% or 73%.

Why 73 or 70, and not 100%? Because when it had to be transported into this world, you understand? (Yes, Master.) And then on the way it would be like reducing the speed and power. And even if it heals 100%, then to my body it will be too much. It will be more harm than good. Such a shock and such a jolt in sudden strong power, then the body cannot bear. Okay? (Yes, Master.) Instead of healing, you get a shock, or die, or are damaged. Maybe that’s why to different disciples, initiates, there are different degrees, percentages of healing. Okay? (Yes, Master.) Even if they do the Quan Yin. (Yes, Master.) Or the Quan Quang, I mean the Light or the Sound, they still have different degrees of healing if they even practice or meditate accordingly.