
The Three Required Powers of a Buddha or Completely Enlightened Master, Part 5 of 8, Jan. 8, 2025

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Now, we are in the train of talking about karma. Then there are also other kinds of karma that are of similar gravity, like the karma of being a fake master.

If a person or a group tries to provoke war between nations, or between a group of people, there are different degrees of punishments for this kind of karma. Just say, if you try to provoke war between your nation and the neighbor nation or other nations just because you are in a leader role, you talk about things that provoke the others into wanting to make war or will make war, or you go secretly talking with different groups in order to facilitate wars, like a weapons group or a political opposition group to the main group, for example like that. And if such things, such talk, such action from you evolved into real war, then OK, nobody can help you in relentless hell.

Even just to talk provocatively so that other nations have to react, wanting to make war with your nation, you already have depleted your karma until it’s minus... Let me see, I might have noted it here. The minimum is minus 50 zillions of spiritual merit. You don’t have any merit, but you have minus 50 zillions. And then you have to go to hell, a different kind of hell, of course, but any hell is all suffering. You will live in hell for a lot, a lot of kalpas, eons of time. And after that, you will become a fire ant for many more kalpas.

And if you make real war, yourself, as the leader of a nation, bring war to another country – neighbors or other countries – you will have too, too, too much debt, too much minus of spiritual merit, so you can’t even become a human after that. Not to talk about you will never be a leader again. Then you will be in hell for at least nine gazillions of trillions of kalpas. At least, that’s the least, the minimum of kalpas for war makers. Even provoking war is already a trouble. It’s so much suffering, such an endless time for you, not to talk about making war, leading your people into war, suffering with other nations.

The least of war karma would be like when you threaten to make war, to spy upon the neighboring land with spyware in cyber-attacks nowadays, which causes fear and psychological ill which inflicts pains, even bodily, to that Land’s citizens. The related karma will also lead these directly or indirectly responsible ones to terrifying hells, though with lesser degree of punishment. That’s why I work so hard trying to wake you up, dear, pitiful souls!

This, you can only shake your head. The Masters can only shake Their heads. They are helpless to help you. They can’t help you even if They feel so much pain and shedding tears for you. They can’t do anything if you do not U-turn, repent, ask God’s Forgiveness. Then even God can’t help you!

And after that, kalpas upon kalpas of a relentless hellfire, if they have a chance to be reincarnated again, then not as humans, but maybe as many different lowly class beings. For example, to be reborn again, reincarnated again as worms; to be picked, torn apart, eaten for many, many, many more kalpas. That is the fate of a person who makes war, or any other person who supports them to make this war together. They will not end well. They will not live well, they will not end well, and they will not die well. After dying, their souls are still not well, being punished forever, forever like that. I just say generally, like a great burning fire hell, or fire hell, but inside there, there are beings as devils who will give you extra pain, like pitchforks to pierce you, or to cut your tongue and to chop your hands, your fingers, your toes, and chop them again and again while burning. There is extraordinary pain and suffering for war people, for warlike people, or war-penchant people, or war-making people.

For any person or any group who tries with all their love and sincerity to bring peace into their own nation or different nations, their merit is absolutely immense, immense, immense – you can’t imagine. In Buddhism, it is said that if you save one person’s life, your merit is equal to building a big temple. A temple is for the Buddhas, the monks, the sangha, and the teaching of the Buddhas, the True Teaching. And to build a temple like that also benefits the believers, then the merit of that person is incredibly immeasurable.

So, imagine if you save many people’s lives by stopping the war and making peace, then how much more merit you would have. With your love and sincerity, you will go straight to Heaven, if you are having a penchant for peace – never want to provoke war, make war, or even want to stop the provoking of war, or never being arrogant after victory in war.

I myself would congratulate these kinds of people, praise them inside or outside, or pray for them inside or outside, and have deep respect and love for such a representative of peace, love, compassion, and mercy, in the Name of God. May God bestow upon them all that they deserve and even spill it out over to all their relatives, families, and friends. Amen. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.

The political people, such as presidents, prime ministers, for example, in order to gain better support from their citizens or more financial improvements, or for just more fame in anything, just for selfish gain, they do not think that what they do will result in any painful things in hell at all. They forgot. They do not believe hell and Heavens exist. They do read stories here and there about them; they don’t believe them anyway. That’s why they continue to do these kinds of things and not worry about the hell awaiting them.

Every time I see such things in the political arena, I feel sooo painful, so painful, thinking of how they are going to have to agonize, to suffer so much, so much for a limitless time. It’s unbearable for me sometimes to live in this world, to think of others, the way they act, the way they live their life like there’s no tomorrow. And for them, Heaven and hell, it’s just talk. They take it all for granted, what the ancient Masters were teaching and what the modern Masters are teaching. They don’t care for anything as long as they can satisfy their greed. So they even take bribes. They even do wicked things. They go the dark way in order to consolidate their position, their power, their wealth, regardless of what other people tell them or what the Master told them. These people are more pitiful than anything else you can think of.

Same with those fake masters – they just want fame, gain, and profit, and abusing others outright without worrying about hell. Even if you are a subordinate of maya or devils, you still have to go to hell and pay forever like that. It’s not like you are a devil and then you get away with what you’re doing – posing yourself as a master when you are not, telling people that you’re Buddha or lead people into believing that when you’re not. Many people are vulnerable. A lot, a lot of people. You can say the majority of people are vulnerable. So it’s easy to claim to be a master, a Buddha and all that, and they listen to you, and if they’re rich, they give you money offerings, and if they’re weak and vulnerable, you can even molest them, abuse them in any way, and they have nowhere to go to tell to do anything to you. Just being heartbroken because they thought you were a real Buddha until you did all that, forcing yourself into their private life, abusing their faith, abusing their finance, abusing their body and their spiritual beliefs and everything like that.

I cannot feel sorry for these kinds of “masters.” I do feel sorry for leaders, ignorant leaders of nations, but these “masters,” I don’t feel sorry for at all. They have nothing to give. They take everything they can.

Photo Caption: It Is Pleasant to Be Part of Life

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