
The Three Required Powers of a Buddha or Completely Enlightened Master, Part 7 of 8, Jan. 8, 2025

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These so-called fake masters, they know nothing. They fear nothing. They just sit on the dais, look like a big thing, but they’re just big egos, you can tell. Anyone who has a little spiritual wisdom can tell who is who right away. The way they sit, the way they talk, the way their eyes look, the words they use, their actions on the stage and in daily life, you can see right away. This is just a true ego, a devil manifested in a human body, and it’s really sickening even just to look at or to think of them. […] Their face, their ego, their action on the stage is really sickening already. How much more sickening if you talk about them? Truly like that. I just feel sorry for the vulnerable who have been cheated by them, deluded by them and abused by them, either financially, spiritually, or physically. […]

They are soulless, heartless, just have egos and greed. When I see them on the Internet, sitting there with maybe big turbans or/and big robes, or whatever colorful types of robes, or designer suits. Even with monk’s robes, all kinds of holy symbols of love and wisdom, but just sit there empty or stand there full of fakeness and falseness, just even talking nonsense or talking harmfully to people, telling people even to go astray, not to recite the Buddhas’ Names!

“Excerpt from ‘Fake Monk Thích Nhật Từ Preaching About Sex’: In terms of karma, if you use tools to satisfy your sexual desires, it's not considered a sin. The Buddha also didn’t see that as a sin.”

“Excerpt from ‘Is hell real or not? – Thích Nhật Từ’: Based on that Theravada Buddhism, it is clear that the image of hell is just a means of moral education, because if everyone would be reborn immediately, then there would be no hell.”

“Excerpt from ‘Thích Nhật Từ: The Western Pure Land Realm does not exist.’: Can reciting the Buddha's Name lead to rebirth in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss? The answer, according to history and based on the 18th sutra in the Dīgha Nikāya, is no. Because the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is not real.”

“Thích Nhật Từ asking for donations from philanthropists: Today, I also hope that everyone, for example, who has a plan to donate at place A, B, or C, and has set aside an annual amount for these contributions, then you could direct all of it to me. [The merits] are all the same.”

My God. What harm can it do to people if they recite the Buddhas’ Names? What’s that got to do with these monks or priests? Even a top priest in the Vatican slanders Lord Jesus, mocking God. It’s like a joke or like some object to them to play around with.

“New York City, United States Sept. 24, 2015 - Francis: We need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ. And His life, humanly speaking, ended in failure. The failure of the cross.”

“Villavicencio, Colombia Sept. 8, 2017, Francis: In the veins of Jesus runs pagan blood.”

“God in Christ took on our sins and He became the sinner for us. When we go to Confession, for example, it isn’t that we say our sin and God forgives us. No, not that! We look for Jesus Christ and say: ‘This is your sin, and I will sin again.’ And Jesus likes that…” - Francis, June 15, 2013

“If we want to know the love of God, we look at the Crucifix. [There we meet] a man who is tortured, died, who is God, ‘emptied of divinity,’ tarnished, who ‘became sin.’” - Francis, during a sermon on March 14, 2016

“Kasarani Stadium Nairobi, Kenya – Nov. 27, 2015, Francis: This here, in this item, is the history of God’s failure. It’s the way of the cross.”

“Excerpt from ‘Vatican cross crushes man to death’ – Apr. 25, 2014: Many years ago, I did a study on John Paul II’s use of the bent crucifix and I’m sure you’ve all seen it. He carried it with him everywhere he went. In my research, I discovered back then that the artist for the cross was actually a Satanist and he named the piece of artwork ‘The Antichrist.’ And notice here what the Catholic Church actually said about the bent cross four years after John Paul II was carrying it: the bent crucifix is ‘a sinister symbol used by Satanists in the sixth century that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term ‘Mark of the Beast.’ Yet, not only Pope Paul VI, but his successors, the two John Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it actually stood for the anti-Christ.’ This was back in 1981, John Paul II was still pope at that time. And the present pope, Pope Francis, a Jesuit, he carries that cross as well. Now, notice this picture, if you will. It’s a massive, 100-foot (~30-meter) tall bent cross and it was erected to honor John Paul II back in 2005. Now, check this picture out. Just two days before John Paul II is to be declared a saint, this statue falls and a man is crushed to death by this bent cross that was erected to honor John Paul II.”

“P. francis confessed that he once snatched out a cross from a dead priest’s coffin. Irish Examiner – Mar. 7, 2014: ‘And immediately there came to mind the thief we all have inside ourselves and while I arranged the flowers I took the cross and with just a bit of force I removed it,’ he said, showing with his hands how he pulled the cross off the rosary.”

“ – Jan. 16, 2018: During Pope Francis' flight to Chile on January 15, Cristiana Caricato of the Italian Bishops' TV 2000 asked Francis, what medicines he takes to keep fit during his travels. He replied, ‘I don't go to the doctor, I go to the witch.’”

“P. Francis is the first ever Jesuit pope. Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction ‘I do furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants, and Liberals, as I am directed to; extirpate them from the face of the earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive those infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of the women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their inexecrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cords, the steels of the poniard, or the leaden bullets, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to by any agent of the Pope, or the superior of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.’”


My God, even if these guys are devils, hell is going to lock them there inside forever with burning hells and all kinds of sharp instruments to pick and poke them. And no one can help them because they deny God. They walk away from God. They walk in the opposite direction of God, and even slander the Masters Whose teachings have helped them to become top-of-the-line of priesthood, owning the whole Vatican and ruling many of the faithful in their religion. So shameless and sickening – worse than the devils. If I call them devils, that is too lenient of a word because we don’t have worse words to call them.

The devils, they do work but with principle. They seduce people, but if people are strong and virtuous, they will leave them alone and even respect them and stay far away or help them sometimes. But these people – the fake priests, fake popes, fake monks, fake masters, fake gurus – God… there is no word to describe them. They are just soulless, heartless, just greedy, just even beyond devils. So I have no words for them.

I have no “sorry” for them. I have no pity for them, nothing at all. I just wish that they would disappear quickly, go to hell quickly, to leave the vulnerable people alone. Without their presence, people might turn to other better teachers or real Masters to help them to avoid hell fire and to be liberated in Heaven, enjoy God’s Grace and a real Master’s higher teachings in Heavens.

And if they have a Master, a real Master, to teach them, and they follow the Master’s teachings, then even their nine, ten generations will also be liberated, blissfully in Heaven with them. But these fake Masters, evil monks and priests and popes and whatever else you call them, they obstruct people to come to the real teachings of the real Masters. That is their greatest sin. That’s why they are not forgivable by God, because they don’t believe in God. Otherwise, they would fear hell and praise God, instead of making fun of God, mocking God and slandering the Great Son of God like Jesus Christ. I have no words to say that will make you understand these low-life, low-hell beings, what they are like inside. Just look at what they’re saying and see what they’re doing, and you’d know already.

Photo Caption: The Seasonal Spring Is Beautiful The Inner Spring Is Even More So!

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