People came to Your door already, not as the superior but in a less superior, lesser position, then we should have been more considerate to that person. I’m sorry if I have offended You, great President Trump. I’m Your fan, You know that. I’ve been supporting You in different ways, whatever way I can, directly and indirectly. So forgive me if I offended You, but I’m known for straight talk. I don’t side with President Zelenskyy. I just understand him and sympathize with his position and his countrymen. I wish that country the best and the quickest possible peace. There must be a sorting out of misunderstandings or knots in between, before the whole world should know. His country is already in big turmoil and sorrow, and he’s not in a strong power position. He’s been begging from door to door, different countries, to help his country. So we probably should have more sympathy. When somebody is already in a worse position, we should not hurt him more. He is not alone. He represents his country. […]
So even if he thinks something wrongly, we should be able to understand him and help him because that is helping millions of people, his co-citizens. […] So, President Trump, You’re a great man, please ask him to come back and talk together in a private room. No need to air all the weaknesses in front of the world like that. He’s been punished enough. Even – even if he has done anything wrong, he has been punished day and night for three years already. […]