The MusicalInternational Artist DayThe Songs, Compositions and Poetry of Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan)
明るい未来を創る全13回の第9回23:49明るい未来を創る全13回の第9回私達が行うことは何であれ 私たちの同胞人類への 少しの手助けは 私たちの 栄誉であり義務です わざわざ言及すべきでは ありませんが それでも 「ありがとう」と言うのは 良いことです もちろん 感謝することは良い事です 他者の善意に感謝する事は また気立てがよく 良い美徳です芸術と霊性2025-02-20 199 閲覧数112025-02-20芸術と霊性 明るい未来を創る全13回の第8回23:47明るい未来を創る全13回の第8回幾月にもわたって存続し どれ程続いているのか? オゥラック(ベトナム) 村の古い共同住宅 独自の一角に優雅に佇む芸術と霊性2025-02-18 486 閲覧数33396p720p1080p2025-02-18芸術と霊性 明るい未来を創る全13回の第7回23:48明るい未来を創る全13回の第7回(One of Master’s songs, “Remember Me when the Rain Falls” will now be played on the violin by one of our brothers from the Tainan Center, Taiwan [Formosa]. He wishes for us to keep the beat by clappin芸術と霊性2025-02-15 532 閲覧数24396p720p1080p2025-02-15芸術と霊性 明るい未来を創る全13回の第6回25:51明るい未来を創る全13回の第6回永遠にそばに 我が母よ 私の泣き声によって 彼女の胸は乳で震える 彼女はそこにいた 我が母 母親としてのこれらの夜は 天の星の数をしのぐ 私の存在を丸ごと恵んだ 彼女は女神に違いない芸術と霊性2025-02-11 843 閲覧数75396p720p1080p2025-02-11芸術と霊性 明るい未来を創る全13回の第5回25:00明るい未来を創る全13回の第5回愛する人よ 知ってますか 夢のような花を その名は 勿忘草 その色は神秘的なブルー芸術と霊性2025-02-08 672 閲覧数56396p720p1080p2025-02-08芸術と霊性 Exploring Rhythm and Sound: Percussion Instruments for Kids25:36Exploring Rhythm and Sound: Percussion Instruments for KidsIn an orchestra, percussion instruments provide rhythm and sometimes melody, adding variety to music. Playing these instruments is a great way for kids to explore sounds, develop coordination, and enj芸術と霊性2025-02-06 295 閲覧数15396p720p1080p2025-02-06芸術と霊性 明るい未来を創る全13回の第4回22:52明るい未来を創る全13回の第4回この春の日に乾杯し 皆様のご多幸を祈ります! 農家の方々が香り高い米を 幸せに収穫できますよう ビジネスマンの方々が 利益を得られますように 国民が暖かく守られ栄養が 十分に摂れますように 貧困と苦難の生活を捨てて 喜び溢れる杯を啜りながら 皆の幸せを願っています芸術と霊性2025-02-04 874 閲覧数44396p720p2025-02-04芸術と霊性 明るい未来を創る全13回の第3回25:49明るい未来を創る全13回の第3回We thank you, these gentlemen here, for their unconditional kindness in helping their fellow human beings in time of need. Whenever any war breaks out, it could be any of us who will become a refugee.芸術と霊性2025-02-01 862 閲覧数73396p720p1080p2025-02-01芸術と霊性 Discovering Symphony Orchestra Instruments with Kids26:59Discovering Symphony Orchestra Instruments with KidsA symphony is a complex musical composition for full orchestra. Composers such as Joseph Haydn shaped the symphony in the 1700s, and Beethoven and Tchaikovsky made it even more expressive, creating ma芸術と霊性2025-01-30 370 閲覧数25396p720p1080p2025-01-30芸術と霊性 明るい未来を創る全13回の第2回26:10明るい未来を創る全13回の第2回アルバレス夫妻とモラト氏の たゆまぬ努力のお陰で 2002年にオゥラック (ベトナム)人ボートピールの 最初のグループが 米国に到着しました 彼らの努力に もう一度拍手を 送りましょう芸術と霊性2025-01-28 1026 閲覧数62396p720p1080p2025-01-28芸術と霊性 私たちの番組 明るい未来を創る 全13回 の1回目22:47私たちの番組 明るい未来を創る 全13回 の1回目2007年2月 旧正月を記念して フォルモサとも呼ばれる 台湾の西湖道場で 盛大な祝賀会が 開催されました 世界中からの スプリームマスターチンハイ 国際協会のメンバー (全員ビーガン)が スプリームマスターチンハイ (ビーガン)とともに精神の 向上と世界平和を祈願して 楽しく集まりました このイベントの焦点は 輝く世界の指導者賞の 授賞式で 慈悲深いリーダーシップの 模範として 黄金の心と存在感芸術と霊性2025-01-25 1334 閲覧数69396p720p1080p2025-01-25芸術と霊性 Exploring the Benefits of Music and Orchestra Instruments for Kids21:16Exploring the Benefits of Music and Orchestra Instruments for KidsMusic plays an important role in our development, even before we’re born. For babies, hearing music in the womb can be calming and may potentially support brain development. Researchers have discovere芸術と霊性2025-01-09 576 閲覧数28396p720p1080p2025-01-09芸術と霊性 Sweet Goose Singer and Songwriter Chris Mather (vegan), Part 2 of 221:12Sweet Goose Singer and Songwriter Chris Mather (vegan), Part 2 of 2So, join hands, please stand. We have got to do what we can to speak out for those who need us and fight for their freedom and if they don’t hear us, we’ll sing it again and again and again and again芸術と霊性2025-01-02 494 閲覧数21396p720p1080p2025-01-02芸術と霊性 Sweet Goose Singer and Songwriter Chris Mather (vegan), Part 1 of 218:33Sweet Goose Singer and Songwriter Chris Mather (vegan), Part 1 of 2We are all the same, yes we are, oh yes we are We are all the same, yes we are, oh yes we are芸術と霊性2024-12-26 586 閲覧数23396p720p1080p2024-12-26芸術と霊性 In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 16 of 1629:14In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 16 of 16In Thailand, it was very scary. Too many people, and the facility – it was like smaller, the hotel. We got the biggest hotel filled. They had other guests, and it overflowed. And the government of Tha芸術と霊性2024-11-30 1071 閲覧数79396p720p1080p2024-11-30芸術と霊性 In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 15 of 1617:16In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 15 of 16For the New Year, we all have to say really good things. (Yes.) So, we can’t say anything inauspicious. (Yes.) There was a story, a Master and a disciple went to the capital city to attend the imperia芸術と霊性2024-11-26 1037 閲覧数46396p720p1080p2024-11-26芸術と霊性 In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 14 of 1621:53In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 14 of 16That’s it. Just a few words to remind everyone. You all know that. The conclusion is, I’m very grateful to you, because you’ve practiced well and have helped other people. I’m also very proud of you, 芸術と霊性2024-11-23 1226 閲覧数46396p720p1080p2024-11-23芸術と霊性 In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 13 of 1621:51In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 13 of 16If we want to teach people, it’s best to teach by example. It’s not that if we talk a lot then people will listen. If people see us doing good and correct things, slowly, even if they don’t learn, it’芸術と霊性2024-11-19 1071 閲覧数50396p720p1080p2024-11-19芸術と霊性 In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 12 of 1628:00In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 12 of 16And we shall sing it like a “Happy Birthday” tune. Can you guys remember already? (Yes.) OK. Everything is like Happy New Year, and the first one is “Heaven,” the second one is “on Earth,” the third o芸術と霊性2024-11-16 1198 閲覧数68396p720p1080p2024-11-16芸術と霊性 In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 11 of 1623:14In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 11 of 16(The next presentation is a presentation by Hsinchu and Miaoli disciples. They are presenting a dance entitled “The High Moon.”) (Next, Taipei disciples present to you the dance of Heavenly Descending芸術と霊性2024-11-12 1258 閲覧数61396p720p1080p2024-11-12芸術と霊性