
Les aliments de paix et d’amour – Partie 3/6

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All right, today is the first time I ever went into a Loving Hut restaurant. I mean in the whole world. And you eat in them all the time, and I had no chance. The first time ever, I tasted some Loving Hut food, in the restaurant. Personally, inside. It’s a nice restaurant. Mostly Loving Huts should have like a uniform kind of, more or less, menus, with a few dishes from the native, in each country. A little different, that’s it, and the rest should be similar. So people know what to expect when they come in, okay? If you cannot make a big restaurant, why not do just a Loving Hut café? Simple fast (vegan) food. (Yes.) Just some favorite food and snacks, like spring rolls, sandwich, And wraps and things, people love that. soup and wraps and stuff, yes, yes, and coffee and tea, and smoothies, yes, and cakes, okay? Good. And just a small table, no cover, nothing. Because the cover is also very expensive to hire them to do it. Or if you do it yourself, it takes a lot of time. No need cover, just make the table white or elegantly black or brown, whatever, and then you just… It’s cleaner even, just wipe it clean, and cheaper for the customer, everything will be finer, okay? It’s very fast nowadays, it’s true. (Yeah!) But it also maybe depends on the place. Sometimes I go somewhere, or I go with somebody, different drivers make me feel different time quality. Same route, same speed, but if I drive with one person it goes faster. If I go with another person or have another passenger with me and the driver, it’s so slow, so slow, dragging like. If you feel time passes quick, then it’s good.
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