Oh, in case the left ear is too loud, you just press your palm, you breathe deeply and keep it as deep as much as you can, and keep it where it went in, and with your mouth even open also to take in as much air as possible, so that your cheeks even puff up, and put your palm, your left palm, tight onto the left ear. Keep it until you have to breathe out, and then you release it. Do it a couple of times, or even one time. The left ear troubling noise will disappear. […] That disturbing noise in the left ear is never good. […]
Many times, I knew that already in India, going alone. It was risky. I encountered many times risky situations. Luckily, God felt that I’m too “stupid”, so Hes had to take care of me. I was blind, deaf and dumb, too much in love with God, too much feeling sorry for the world, so I just relied on faith to go alone in India. It’s not safe at all. Don’t do that, please. And living alone in the wilderness, all you have is God, you just have to rely on that alone. […]