
Mehrteilige Reihe mit historischen Vorhersagen über unseren Planeten: Prophezeiungen für das Goldene Zeitalter, Teil 48 - Die prophetischen Zeichnungen des argentinischen Sehers Benjamín Solari Parravicini

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Argentina's clairvoyant artist Benjamin Solari Parravicini was a devout Catholic who seems to have believed that Lord Jesus Christ would return to Earth via reincarnation. "The New Child," as he called Him, would come in Light and Wisdom to teach humankind. To us, the New Child reminds us of Supreme Master Ching Hai and Her child-like purity, innocence, and wisdom as She guides humans to enlightenment, the Light. She was also aware of Her mission from the start, as Parravicini prophesied.
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