
Buddhistische Geschichten: Die Namen der Buddhas und das Verdienst und der Nutzen des Gebens, Teil 4 von 7 11. August 2015

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In the future, good men or good women may plant good roots in the Buddha Dharma by giving, making offerings, repairing stupas or monasteries, rebinding sutras or doing other good deeds amounting to no more than a strand of hair, a mote of dust, a grain of sand or a drop of water. Merely by transferring the merit from such deeds to Dharma Realm, those people’s meritorious virtues will enable them to enjoy superior and wonderful bliss for hundreds of thousands of lives. If they dedicate the merit only to their immediate or extended family, or to their own personal benefit, then the rewards received will be only three lives of happiness. By giving up one, a 10,000 reward is obtained.

If you slander a Master, not just Master Ching Hai, anyone if They’re greatly enlightened and dedicate Themselves for all beings, then you go to hell in your astral body already. You’re suffering already. It’s very bad. So please keep your mouth quiet. If you don’t know that Master is enlightened or not, you cannot judge by His or Her actions and speech, then at least keep quiet. Mind your own business. Meditate. Pray to Buddhas, pray to God, pray to Jesus Christ, great Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), or Guru Nanak, Mahavira, pray to whomever you think is the greatest in your belief.