
Find a Living Master to Reunite With the Great Source of All Things, Part 1 of 8

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“In the Buddhist Bible, in the Surangama Sutra, it is mentioned that the quickest, the best and the highest method to liberation, or to reach Buddhahood, is the method of Quan Yin. Quan Yin means contemplating on the inner Heavenly Sound stream or the vibration. And in the Lotus Sutra, it is also mentioned that a great cultivator, or the Master of the Method, would experience some kind of inner Heavenly Music. The music of the flute, of the conch, of the seashell, of the…”

“Now, in the Christian Bible, it is also stated that when God appears, Hiers voice is like the sound of many waters. In the Buddhist Sutra, it says the same thing. We can hear the sound of the sea, the ocean. That is the sound of many waters. Also, the sound of the running waterfall, that is the sound of many waters. And also, the sound of thunder. When God appeared in a great flame and Hiers voice was like the sound of thunder.”

“In the Qur’an, the Muslim Bible, it is said so: When Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) meditated in the cave, after a while He heard the sound of ringing bells, and then the bells ultimately assumed the shape of the angel Gabriel and told Him something. And it is the inner (Heavenly) Sound which is mentioned in many scriptures.”

“Also, in the Sikh Bible, all the Gurus of the Sikh, the ten Sikh Gurus, all mention about the various sounds, the inner (Heavenly) Sounds. There are different sounds in the Five Levels. So, when Guru Nanak, He said, ‘When one listens to the inner (Heavenly) Sound of God, one will know everything.’”

“At the outset, all the scriptures encourage people to lead a pure life: Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt love thy neighbor, thou shalt love thy enemy, etc. And thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not commit adultery. At the outset, the Christian commandments, the Muslim commandments, the Sikh commandments, the Hindu commandments, the Buddhist commandments, are all the same.”

“Now, the outer virtues, we all know. And most of us can do. Most of us can keep up the commandments from the holy scriptures. But how about the inner purification, and the inner realization, which is mentioned and emphasized in all kinds of religions? How can we see God face-to-face? How can we hear God with our own being, without somebody else telling us a secondhand story? How can we experience our own Buddha Nature?

How can we become Buddha? And that is a more important question than just the ethical conduct. Ethical life, of course, it is a great help and a must for anyone who strives to become a Buddha, or who strives to become one with God. These terms mean the same thing: to become one with God, to go back to the Tao, to become a Buddha – they mean the same thing. They mean, we unite with that Great Source of all things. To see our Buddha Nature means to become one with God or to see God.”

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